søndag den 25. oktober 2020

warm sweater in time for winter

Back in April I started a sweater. The reason was that my old work had a big temperature difference from one part of the building to the other. I realized, that if I wore expensive wools, the difference would not affect me as much.
As someone who needs to watch out for her immune system, I couldn't resist buying the expensive wool, and a recipe.

It was really nice to sit with in the bed, while I was sick back in April. Then summer came, and I forgot all about the sweater. But now I started again. I might no longer work at the same school, but it will still be nice to wear.

I'm now done with the body and most of the first arm. So only the last arm to go, right in time for winter 💓

It's been amazingly soft and wonderful to knit with. Silk-mohair.
I'll update when I'm Finally done

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