søndag den 25. oktober 2020

What a tomato year

 Ill let the pictures speak for themselves, ill just tell you, that we have nine sorts this year, and that we still, here in the end of October, still  have a ton of tomatoes on the way in the garden.

I'm afraid I have to harvest them without being completely ripe, since the frost is slowly creeping closer.


Coptic markers

I'm not going to say much about this. I finally gave in, and tried out coptic markers, mostly because a big box was on sale. I must say, I'm in love with the vibrant colors.

In the beginning I didn't know how to use them, and the result was as could be imagined. But after a bit of research I improved. One really important thing I learned, was that alcoholic colors don't respect the borders of the paper. At least two papers of good quality has to be glued together, unless you have the right kind of paper, made especially for coptic markers.

But look at those colors!

They make me so happy.


Nailed it.... or something

Some time ago, I saw a really talented Russian lady, who did cats portraits. For some reason that made me die to try it myself.
I'm not done yet, and to be honest, I'm not sure Ill ever be done. There's something about how I get the ears shaped which is teasing me like crazy.

 I'm happy enough with the result this far though. I never expected to be able to make as beautiful and lifelike portraits as her, who have years of experience, and if I have to admit it, I thought the result would have been far worse. But lets see when I'm done one day.... hopefully.

Munkeruphus with kids

When I got over my illness, I was looking forward to going back to work.
I'm not going to lie. Part of me was a bit scared about what would happen when returning.

What waited for me was wonderful. I was only to have one class, and that with another teacher. The kids behaved way better than normal, and although I missed the kids I was usually teaching, I was grateful to really get to learn the kids from this new class, that I thought I would be working with in the future as well.

The most wonderful thing was, that every Thursday we would go by bike to the museum Munkeruphus.
We did all sorts of artwork in cooperation with various artists. 
We were really really lucky with the weather. Since we was to be outside all day, it would have been really frustrating with heavy rain.

One of the projects was an architectural one. Below are some of the kids creations.
I love them, and the idea was to get the kids to think about new ways of making a house, and to look at the world with curious eyes, and see possibilities.

The kids also had the fun of making land art, with the artists from Studio thinking hand Mikkel and Rhoda guided the kids (and us teachers) through a process of making art right on the ground.
The artworks was really good, and I'm a bit frustrated that I can't find the pictures. They might show up, and I'll Share them.

We also got to see their exhibition, which were featuring bacteria and saltwater on metal. I loved it.

We also worked with capturing the nature in resin. It was so much fun, that I really wanted to do more of that kind of work at home, even though it clinches a bit with my view on the environmental crisis we are in. 
Since kids are not allowed to pour the resin, they made the art in petri dishes, and a grown up poured the resin while the kids watched from a distance. What a surprise when we came back next week, and it turned out that the resin had boiled all in the dishes. Some of the artworks had shells from a crap. those had been white when they came into the dish, but red the week after.


warm sweater in time for winter

Back in April I started a sweater. The reason was that my old work had a big temperature difference from one part of the building to the other. I realized, that if I wore expensive wools, the difference would not affect me as much.
As someone who needs to watch out for her immune system, I couldn't resist buying the expensive wool, and a recipe.

It was really nice to sit with in the bed, while I was sick back in April. Then summer came, and I forgot all about the sweater. But now I started again. I might no longer work at the same school, but it will still be nice to wear.

I'm now done with the body and most of the first arm. So only the last arm to go, right in time for winter 💓

It's been amazingly soft and wonderful to knit with. Silk-mohair.
I'll update when I'm Finally done

Nanowrimo anticipation

 Ok. So its been a while again.

A year ago I signed up for the nanowrimo challenge. It was fun, and I finished with the 50k words inside the time limit and was really proud.

I had every idea of working further on it, but like with the violin, it kept lying around, collecting digital dust, unlike the violin that collected actual dust.

Now I signed up again, and can't wait to try out writing in English.

So much stuff has happened in my life and in the world. While it is devastating how people are loosing their livelihood around the world, it has also opened up the world for me, even without travelling.

I wouldn't have been without all those new friends from around the world, so challenge my understanding of the world, and give insight into every day life in various places. You know who you are, thank you.

Ok, so just because work started, and it's a new one, doesn't mean I haven't done loads of stuff, so I better try to catch up 💗