lørdag den 26. juni 2021

MVICW II comics

 That Conference left me with a lot on my mind. That's for sure.

I entered feeling like I was happening on an event, where people would all of a sudden realize I did not belong, and I left with a feeling of utter joy, and the knowledge, that being a writer is about writing, very little else. 

One of the workshops I signed up for was a little apart from the rest. 

This workshop was about daily comics with Robert J. Russel, and I felt like an intruder when I entered the zoom call. 

To my surprise, I ended up making something I felt proud of, proud enough to eagerly push the hand button when we were asked who wanted to share, while frantically finishing the lines on the paper.

I had an idea in mind, while Robert was talking about comics. I often hear the phrase "You are sick" when people see the things I do IRL, or when I arrange something creative and bring a ton of stuff to make it an even better event. I should state straight away, that I DO know that that phrase has been used affectionately, but while I do take to heart the intention of the person saying it, the phrase itself can be somewhat hurtful. 

So I thought I wanted to do a comic about that. To be honest, I even tried to sketch it out during the last part of the lecture (I listen way better when I have something to do with my hands, and I did look at all the comics during the lesson)
For some reason, it really didn't work out. The same day a kid had caught up to me in the schoolyard, telling me that I was her favorite teacher, and that art class was her favorite class. So we talked a little about why she liked art class and the like. Shortly after, she continued the list of her favorite subjects. They were as follows:
Small breaks during lessons
gym class
....not really sure what to pick after that.

Since I could not make the dark comic work, I decided to go with the above instead, and I am SO happy I did. 
I seriously thought it would be too little, too mundane, too.... something not worthy. Instead, I found profound happiness about just drawing and my work-life in general.

The girl in question has seen and approved the above comic.

About a week ago, a boy approached me telling me I was a fair teacher. At least, that was his intention. but the way he told it, made it sound like I am punishing every single student I ever have. After laughing about this (while taking in the love that boy showed with his words) I decided that that was a comic in itself. Beneath you can see the comic, and this time I even decided to color it with markers :)
I hope you will enjoy it.

Truth be told, I'm hooked. These are so much fun to do.

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