mandag den 8. marts 2021

Painting, just for fun.

So, I wanted to do something fun with the kids. Stuck in the same house for Ages, have unfortunately not given me all the much more time with my kids that I had hoped for.

So I figured we could do a painting each. 
We had fun, but the kids lost interest when they felt they were done, but I kept going. 

All I used was: 
A canvas
paintbrushes (not even expensive ones)
Ecoline colors
A picture for reference. 

Ill let the pictures tell the rest.

Im pretty happy with the result. Its way to work with. 


I love to paint. I know many think it a tidious task, but I love not just the finished product, but the proces itself. My arms and back? Not so much 😉

We Are currently waiting for People from the bank, visiting to see if they want to borrow us the money we need for a solar roof. Its all very exciting, but I realised it might not be the best impression, to lead a stranger into a room with a big hole in the plaster, really horrible decoration and No paint since way before we bought the house. 
I guess I could just have sealed up the hole, and given it a White coat of paint, but that would not have been me at All.
so instead I painted it a dark mystic color, and hand painted details on most of a whole wall.
Above is a better look at the details.

yes, its pretty dark, so I am looking into lighting next 😉